Chel's Webzone

Welcome to my website. This is just my personal space to goof around - so please don't expect anything fancy or professional or finished.

By accessing this website you agree that it is illegal to be mean to me. Thank you for your cooperation.

This website - in the grand tradition of websites - is under construction.


  • Reading: Ducks by Kate Beaton
  • Watching: The Sopranos
  • Playing: Dragon Age 2
  • Listening: Mages & Murderdads
  • WaniKani:
Cliques & Listings
Link to me!

scented // marsh rain
Contact Me
Take my last name, followed by my first name, and put a period in between; I use Google's web mail provider. Sorry for being a little obtuse; I get a lot of spam from my days as a webmaster. :)